X-plore1.35 repacked
Its a complete version of X-plore which is repacked by Farshed. All the credit goes to him.
Instructions(read careful):
- first install python pack
- install xplore1.35 repacked
- go to => C:/data
- (read [LMhowto.txt) nd install [LM fix.sis(on phone memory,select UNPATCH)
- open&close x-plore
- again go to:=> C:/data then reinstall [LM fix.sis using PATCH option
ur done! its simple,enjoys!!
note: if x-plore crashes again follow steps
1-UNPATCH 2-open xplore3-PATCH
note: if x-plore crashes again follow steps
1-UNPATCH 2-open xplore3-PATCH
Xplore 1.35(crack file)
Its a small kit by which you can crack your xplore soft and remove your home screen.After installing you will find out another soft in your Aplicaton folder named X-PUNRG its logo is same as X-plore but your previous installation of X-plore will work as the cracked X-plore vertion.Its just a types of patch.Hope it work on your hand set.
Its a small kit by which you can crack your xplore soft and remove your home screen.After installing you will find out another soft in your Aplicaton folder named X-PUNRG its logo is same as X-plore but your previous installation of X-plore will work as the cracked X-plore vertion.Its just a types of patch.Hope it work on your hand set.

Its Only the vertion with new facilities of X-plore.

Xplore 1.34
A compleat and full vertion of X-plore.
A compleat and full vertion of X-plore.

Xplore 1.32(iphonemoded_nima79)
It another vertion of X-plore which out look is outstanding.but dont contain with all the update of 1.35.Its modified in 1.32 and its a cracked vertion.soon I will give you the preview.
It another vertion of X-plore which out look is outstanding.but dont contain with all the update of 1.35.Its modified in 1.32 and its a cracked vertion.soon I will give you the preview.
# but important thing is your phone should be hacked and patched other wise you cant use it.if your phone is not hacked it will not work to hack your hand set watch below click here.